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Otak Kiri vs Otak Kanan November 21, 2008

Posted by levamentum in Belajar.
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Suatu yang paling menarik dalam hidup adalah mengetahui atau memahami diri kita sendiri dan banyak cara untuk menempuh hal tersebut salah satunya adalah memahami karakter kita melalui pengujian psikologi terhadap otak kiri dan otak kanan mana diantara keduanya yang paling dominan. Memang banyak sekali media pengujian untuk mengetahui otak kiri vs otak kanan salah satunya ada sebuah website yang saya telusuri dari blognya Pak Budi Rahardjo yang mengantarkan saya kepada situs ini http://mindmedia.com/. Hasil dari pengujian yang saya lakukan menunjukkan

Auditory : 43%
Visual : 56%
Left : 56%
Right : 43%

dan Summarynya sebagai berikut:

Fran, you are somewhat left-hemisphere dominant and show a preference for visual learning, although not extreme in either characteristic. You probably tend to do most things in moderation, but not always.

Your left-hemisphere dominance implies that your learning style is organized and structured, detail oriented and logical. Your visual preference, though, has you seeking stimulation and multiple data. Such an outlook can overwhelm structure and logic and create an almost continuous state of uncertainty and agitation. You may well suffer a feeling of continually trying to “catch up” with yourself.

Your tendency to be organized and logical and attend to details is reasonably well-established which should afford you success regardless of your chosen field of endeavor. You can “size up” situations and take in information rapidly. However, you must then subject that data to being classified and organized which causes you to “lose touch” with the immediacy of the problem.

Your logical and methodical nature hamper you in this regard though in the long run it may work to your advantage since you “learn from experience” and can go through the process more rapidly on subsequent occasions.

You remain predominantly functional in your orientation and practical. Abstraction and theory are secondary to application. In keeping with this, you focus on details until they manifest themselves in a unique pattern and only then work with the “larger whole.”

With regards to your career choices, you have a mentality that would be good as a scientist, coach, athlete, design consultant, or an engineering technician. You can “see where you want to go” and even be able to “tell yourself,” but find that you are “fighting yourself” at the darndest times.

Hmm…..bagaimana dengan anda silahkan mencoba.


1. Risa - November 21, 2008

waah…bagus juga…coba ah pak..(*langsung menguji dengan khidmat)

2. Rayyan Sugangga - November 30, 2008

Aku tambahin buat mas Fran,

Shooting 90 %

Dribbling 90 %

Cooking 45 %

Eating 90 %

Ha ha ha 😛

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